[Android Kotlin 기초] 7-1. Create a Room Database
Create a Room Database
- Entity
- An object or a concept along with its properties, to store in the database.
- An entity class defines a table, and each instance of that class represents a row in that table.
- Query
- A request for data or information from a database table or combination of tables, or a request to perform an action on the data.
- Use case: Displaying cached data, which enables people to use your app while in offline
- Facilitates us to create entity in the SQLite tables and declare functions to query.
- You must define each entity as an annotated data class , and the interactions with those entities as an annotated interface, called DAO (Data Access Object).
Codelab - Example of Entity using data class
@Entity(tableName = "daily_sleep_quality_table")
data class SleepNight(
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
var nightId: Long = 0L,
@ColumnInfo(name = "start_time_milli")
val startTimeMilli: Long = System.currentTimeMillis(),
@ColumnInfo(name = "end_time_milli")
var endTimeMilli: Long = startTimeMilli,
@ColumnInfo(name = "quality_rating")
var sleepQuality: Int = -1
Codelab - Example of creating DAO
- By defining and calling Kotlin function in your code, these Kotlin functions map to SQL Queries.
- You can declare these functions in the DAO interface, and automatically Room creates the necessary code in compile time.
- CRUD actions are done by annotating with
, and@Update
. For everything else, we can use@Query
interface SleepDatabaseDao {
fun insert(night: SleepNight)
fun update(night: SleepNight)
@Query("SELECT * from daily_sleep_quality_table WHERE nightId = :key")
fun get(key: Long): SleepNight?
// We can use @Delete as well as @Query, but it is only applicable when you want to delete specific entries.
@Query("DELETE FROM daily_sleep_quality_table")
fun clear()
@Query("SELECT * FROM daily_sleep_quality_table ORDER BY nightId DESC LIMIT 1")
fun getTonight(): SleepNight?
@Query("SELECT * FROM daily_sleep_quality_table ORDER BY nightId DESC")
fun getAllNights(): LiveData<List<SleepNight>>
Codelab - Create and test a Room database
- Create database holder (abstract class subclassing
). - Annotate with
, with entities for the database and set the version number. - Define an abstract method or property that returns DAO. The body will be generated by
in compile time. - Make the
singleton to have unique instance for the whole app. - Use
’s database builder to create the database only if the database doesn’t exist.
// When exportSchema is set to false, this won't keep schema version history backups.
@Database(entities = [SleepNight::class], version = 1, exportSchema = false)
abstract class SleepDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
abstract val sleepDatabaseDao: SleepDatabaseDao
companion object {
// never be cached, and all R/W will be done from and to the main memory.
// You can make sure the value of INSTANCE is always up-to-date and the same to all execution threads.
private var INSTANCE: SleepDatabase? = null // singleton
fun getInstance(context: Context): SleepDatabase {
// Thread synchronization, means only one thread of execution at a time can enter this block of code.
synchronized(this) {
var instance = INSTANCE
if (instance == null) {
instance = Room.databaseBuilder(
INSTANCE = instance
return instance
. The value of a volatile variable will never be cached, and all writes and reads will be done to and from the main memory. This helps make sure the value ofINSTANCE
is always up-to-date and the same to all execution threads. It means that changes made by one thread toINSTANCE
are visible to all other threads immediately, and you don’t get a situation where, say, two threads each update the same entity in a cache, which would create a problem.
class SleepDatabaseTest {
private lateinit var sleepDao: SleepDatabaseDao
private lateinit var db: SleepDatabase
fun createDb() {
val context = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().targetContext
// Using an in-memory database because the information stored here disappears when the
// process is killed.
db = Room.inMemoryDatabaseBuilder(context, SleepDatabase::class.java)
// Allowing main thread queries, just for testing.
sleepDao = db.sleepDatabaseDao
fun closeDb() {
fun insertAndGetNight() {
val night = SleepNight()
val tonight = sleepDao.getTonight()
assertEquals(tonight?.sleepQuality, -1)